lunes, 12 de julio de 2010

The end

Well, I got my IB diploma, with a score of 33 out of 45. Pretty good, uh? Then, I have to say farewell to this blog, which was created just for the sole purpose of the IB. It is not like it was very active but I believe that this little effort of mine deserves at least some words to say goodbye.

I am rather pleased with the result, in fact, I'm rather happy, I had the best score among my classmates, which is pretty good considering that they probably studied like crazies while I did little or no effort to study, because I studied and worked my ass off when I needed to and not just before the exams.

Probably I won't use it to study abroad. It is just too expensive and I can get a good education here in my country. That doesn't mean that the IB was a waste of time. Sure, I had to spent time trapped with the same 7 classmates all these years, but it had its rewards. I can say that I really appreciate almost each one of the guys that went all these years with me. Sure it wasn't easy, but we made it!

And if the Diploma by itself won't help me, sure the education I recieved will be helpful. As a friend of mine said, I will be laughing while others are dying. I'm pretty sure of that since I'm smart myself and I was enhanced by the hard training of the IB.

And for this blog, this is it. I had to write something to close and actually having my results is a good reason to do so. Whatever comes next, I will be awaiting. Maybe scared, unstable and lonely but I still will be there for whatever comes. And if somebody has something against it, well, fuck it.

Then, asuming that I don't have any readers (if I have, then probably I know you, and I have to say: thank you for reading my blabbering) I say goodbye to this stage of my life. Trying to find a word to explain it wouldn't be enough. The only thing I can say is that I didn't expect any of this.

Enough!! If I continue, I will start with a lot of nonsense (like if I haven't). Thank you life, for the happiness, griefs, stress, laughs, etc, etc, etc...

And let's begin with what's next...

martes, 13 de abril de 2010


(Note: I know I was advised not to do this. But the whole point of a blog, as I understand, is expression. Nobody is going to kill me because some underrated blog with some badly written opinion)

Terrorism is a serious problem nowadays. Less than ten years ago, there was a terrorist attack in the United States on different parts of the country. Those attacks consisted on the hijacking of 4 commercial airplanes that were crashed in different strategic locations. One of those planes didn’t made it to its destiny and crashed in Pennsylvania. But the other three did succeed. One plane crashed on the Pentagon, a mayor intelligence building located in Washington D.C. And the other two crashed on the Twin Towers, in New York, taking the life of several thousand people.

After these attacks, everybody was suddenly aware of terrorism, which is listed as a serious threat by the UN. But terrorism was a problem centuries before of that. Modern terrorism, however, relies strongly in, as the name says, causing terror in the population, using to this purpose the massive media. But, why do these movements arise?

Usually, terrorism starts because there is an aggravated group that wants to make patent their discomfort towards some problem that exists in their territory. Those movements resort to violence because they see the violence as the only mean to achieve the change that they are pursuing. While some groups have tried to be pacific in their means, only the India had achieved their independence by pacific means. Most of the other movements used violence to achieve their goals.

There are several ways in which a group can feel threatened and pushed to terrorism. One of these is separatism. There are groups like the ETA in Spain that search for the independence of the Vasco zone of Spain. This terrorist group is responsible for a bombing in the train in Madrid.

Another cause of terrorism is a political disagreement. If the other politic voice is not given a forum to express their discomfort, they may choose to show their disagreement through the violence.

And the last cause that will be analyzed here is religion. Religion is also a major cause of terrorism. Sadly, we often see how the teachings of great men through all the world have been deformed or taken to literally and have caused the death of innocent people. These days, terrorism have been used as a weapon. And here we need to make the distinction that even though Muslim people have been labeled as the religious terrorists for excellence; there have been Catholic terrorists groups as the IRA.

Violence is not the way to solve problems. Even when the groups are faced with restrictions, they should try to seek pacific means. But if all else fails, then terrorism is the way to at least claim for attention. I’m not condoning the death of innocent people, but since it is only another action of war, it is inherent to any process that involves the killing on any side. Terrorism is no more cruel than the bombing of hospitals or the repression that the so called ‘victims’ of terrorism inflict on the terrorists.

viernes, 9 de abril de 2010

The tail of the lizard

Once upon a time, all the lizards lived in fear. Most of the animals used to hunt them, because they were easy to catch because of their long tails. The eagle ate lizards, the mongoose ate lizards, the wolves ate lizards and even some species of rats could fight and successfully eat one of these.

That was until a lizard got angry and said that he was going to stop the carnage that was upon them. So, with hastiness and secrecy, he started to create a decoy to use in the place of his tail. It looked realistic enough and then, focusing his mind somewhere else, he cut his own tail. Then, he wore the decoy instead of his real tail.

So, he went out, to a zone known for the dangers that dwelled there in the shape of eagles, mongooses, wolves and some rats. He walked to open grounds, confident of his invention. Then, when an eagle saw him and decided to attack, the eagle trapped the lizard by the tail. The eagle was happy with the success when suddenly, the only thing in the eagle’s claws was the lizard’s tail, but there was no lizard fixed to it. The lizard ran and laughed at the eagle’s foolishness. After that, he showed his invention and reduced the death toll of the lizards. That’s the reason the lizard’s let their tail go when they are caught from it.

jueves, 11 de febrero de 2010

Robin Hood

Option 2
The figure of the outlaws has been a recurrent topic in literature worldwide. These outlaws (the ones that appear in literature, not every single outlaw) are basically people who committed a crime that is unfairly punished. As an example, we have Robin Hood. Robin Hood is perhaps one of the most famous outlaws in literature. This character came straight from England in the Middle Age. Robin Hood is famous because he robbed the rich to help the poor people. He was also a skilled warrior.
Now, why was Robin Hood’s figure so attractive? Even today the image of an outlaw, who lived wildly in the forest, got his own means of survival and that so selflessly helped poor people to carry the burden that meant to be a servant, is extremely popular. It may actually be the idea of somebody helping people and putting to the service of others skills that otherwise would easily grant him the power of those he always fought. While the people in the upper levels only cared about them, there was an almost lonely archer and his band that tried to change the situation.
The figure of an outlaw is not exclusive of England. Besides the famous marksman of Nottingham there have been other outlaws that have had wide recognition through the years. Without going too far, I can easily talk about outlaws in this side of the Atlantic. Probably the outlaws in Mexican literature are way less famous than Robin Hood, but they can still be pointed out. A famous example came in the book Los bandidos de Río Frío of Manuel Payno. These bandits tried to fight their poverty by robbing every single person that was a possible victim. Even though these bandits were way less romantic than Robin Hood, they are still outlaws and drew a lot of attention and sympathy in their time.
All of these bandits are possible in every single way. Even thought Robin Hood would certainly be even more sanguinary than the Robin Hood that is depicted in his worst histories, the possibility of a man that helps his people or fights injustice is always there. It is truth that probably anybody that chooses the better path would face worst decisions than the ones that appear in the books, but even with that people will fight against injustice. It has been shown through various revolutions trough the whole world.

viernes, 22 de enero de 2010

The lady, or the tiger?

After the lad opened the door, the fiery tiger came out of it. For a second, the lad looked the princess in the eye. His face didn't reflect any regret at all. A faint grin appeared in his face. But before he even uttered a sound, the fangs of the tiger were on him. A second later he was torn apart and nothing but a bloody pulp remained of what once a young man.

The princess felt in her chair, but didn't let even a sigh to be heard. Her father stood proud beside her for a moment and then left. When he disappeared from her sight, the princess burst into tears. She thought for a moment that she had made the wrong decision, but when she saw the eyes of her lover, she knew she made the best decision and that any of them didn't want to be separated nor to escape from their star-crossed love, since they both knew that the princess would follow him to the paths of the dead that very night.